Senin, 16 Juni 2014

English For Specific Purpose

Gelvin Mokoagow
12 313 695
J Class, EED


1.     ITC (Information, Technology and Comunication)
a.     Internet

Understanding the history of the Internet and the Internet from time to-time - According to wikipedia internet site stands (interconnection-networking) is a global system of interconnected computer networks connect with each other around the world. Adapaun standard used is called the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP / IP). Computer connected to the Internet can perform fast data exchange activities.

History of the Internet

internet first appeared in the United States at the idea by the Department of Defense in 1969, through ARPA project is called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). In the project they showed that by using a UNIX-based hardware and software, communication can be done with unlimited distance via telephone lines.

understanding the internet

In the ARPANET project formed the embryo of the TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) as it is today. They designed a form of network, reliability, how much information can be transferred, and finally all the standards. At that time the Internet aimed at military purposes, but over the months the Internet was developed for educational and general.

In 1972, Roy Tomlinson managed to complete the e-mail program that he created a year ago to the ARPANET. E-mail program is so easy that instantly became popular.

The next historic day's dated March 26, 1976, when the Queen of England managed to send e-mails from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, Malvern. A year later, more than 100 computers on ARPANET joined to form a network or network.

In 1984 introduced the domain name system, which we now know as DNS or Domain Name Server. Computer connected to the existing network already exceeds 1,000 more computers. In 1987 the number of computers connected to the network jumped 10-fold widened over 10,000.

In 1988, Jarko Oikarinen of Finland discovered and at the same time introducing the IRC, or Internet Relay Chat. A year after returning users jumped 10-fold around 100,000 users connected.

In 1990 could be considered the most historic year in the world of the Internet, when Tim Berners Lee to find a program editor and a browser that can roam from one computer to another computer, which form a network. The program is called www or World Wide Web.

Applications of the World Wide Web (WWW) has become the anticipated content of all internet users. WWW makes all users can share a variety of applications and content, as well as inter-linking material spread on the internet. Since then the growth of Internet users skyrocketed into the millions and even to this day almost all over the world are connected to the internet.

b.    Gadget

In estimologi, the gadget is a term in English which means a small electronic device that has a specific function. But from the above explanation will make us ask, "What is the difference gadgets with other electronic devices?". The most striking of these differences is the element of "renewal". Its simple. gadget is an electronic device that has a renewal from day to day so as to make human life more practical.
Let's take the example of a home phone and a computer. Computer and home phone into the category of electronic devices. Compare with Laptops and mobile phones, both electronically more compact and portable, right? Yup, that's an example of concrete.

Gadgets Developments

During its development, the gadget expanded meaning. Now the gadget is not only interpreted as (physical form) electronically, but has developed its meaning in (visual form) software. But the meaning is still the same, namely a feature to facilitate human activity. gadget Blog
gadget Blog

For example, features of the gadget on blogger / blogspot, where there is an option "Add a gadget" feature where its function is to facilitate the users (newbie) in operating the system.

Broadly speaking, the notion of object technology is the gadget that has a specific function in which the technology is often regarded as a novelty and always progressing. Gadgets are always 'packed' cleverly exceeds the previously existing technology.

2.     Tourism
a.     Transportation
Transportation is defined as the transfer of goods and people from place of origin to point of destination. The process of transporting a movement from the place of origin, of which the transport activity begins, to the destination, where the transport activity is terminated. The role of transport is essential for interconnecting local sources of raw materials, production area, marketing area and residential areas as residential consumers. Transportation and serves as an additional factor stimulating development (promoting the sector) and service providers (the service sector) for economic development. Transport facilities should be built precede other development projects. Expansion of the dock in the harbor precedence over fertilizer development to be built, in order to expedite delivery of manufacturing equipment and raw materials as well as the distribution of products to the market after the plant is operating.

Transport people or goods usually are not the ultimate goal, but it was done to achieve other objectives, therefore, the demand for transportation services is referred to as the derived demand (derived demand) arising as a result of the demand for other commodities or services.

Basically the demand for transportation services derived from (Morlok, 2000: 452):
Someone needs to walk from one location to another to perform an activity (eg work, school).
The demand for certain goods transportation is available in the desired place.
To support economic development needs to be achieved steady balance between supply and demand for transport. If the provision of transport services is smaller than the demand, there will be congestion flow of goods and passengers that can cause havoc in the market price. Conversely, if the supply exceeds the demand transport services will give rise to unfair competition that would cause a lot of loss and transport companies to stop their activities, so it offers transport services is reduced, further causing the flow of goods and tossing disfluencies price in the market.

b.    Documments
The definition of property is a means to provide an accommodation that can be equipped with food and drink service, and other services.

Types of Accommodation
In order to compare with other types of accommodations, the following discussion will be described briefly about understanding - understanding of the types of accommodation as follows:
1.      Hotel
Hotel adalah salah satu jenis akomodasi yang mempergunakan sebagian atau seluruh bangunan untuk menyediakan jasa pelayanan penginapan, makan dan minum serta jasa lainnya bagi umum, yang dikelola secara komersil.
2.      Apartment
Buildings that provide long-term accommodation services for a number of people in a separate unit with a single space or dapir and dining room.
3.      A type of accommodation that comes from people's homes that have upgraded facilities and ingredients, so it meets the requirements of health, which is rented out to tourists.

3.     Sciences
a.     Biology
Biology Branch covers various fields eg Genetics: the study of genes, Cytology: the study of cells, Histology: the study of networks, Morphology: the study of the external structure of the organism. Anatomy: the study of the structure of the organism, Physiology: science that studies the life processes of organisms, Taxonomy: the science that studies the classification of organisms. Ecology: the study of the relationships of organisms with their environment, Evolution: the study of the origin of life and the changes of organisms over time.

Knowledge about the benefits of living beings to solve various problems in order to improve human welfare. Various issues related to food, clothing, shelter, energy, environmental and even social can be overcome with Biology. Biology is widely used for various areas of life such as agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, medicine, and so forth.

Biological scientists acquire knowledge not only by reading, but also investigate the lives of organisms and phenomena directly. The investigation was carried out in a systematic way is called the scientific method and scientific attitude along with.

Now this evolving aspect of biology that studies the possibility of living things evolve in the future, also the possibility of life on planets other than Earth, that astrobiology. Meanwhile, technological developments enable assessment constituent organisms at the molecular level through molecular biology and biochemistry, which is widely supported by the development of computational techniques through bioinformatics.

b.    Mathematics
discussion of mathematics is not endless. Math is an exact science, science reasoning, science and real science calculations. Math reply may be a "parent" of the natural sciences such as, physics, biology, chemistry and similar sciences.
Having previously been mentioned in this blog about the history and benefits of mathematics, on this occasion, the School Library will discuss a little course with a simple way of understanding mathematics.
If we want to know for sure about the meaning or definition of the matika, it would be helpful to examine first whether the definition or understanding of mathematics?

Understanding Mathematics
We start from a mathematical definition according to Wikipedia:
Mathematics (from Greek: μαθηματικά - Mathematica) is a study of the amount, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians look for patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth through deduction method of rigid axioms and corresponding definitions.
There is disagreement about whether mathematical objects such as numbers and dots are present naturally, or just man-made. A mathematician Benjamin Peirce called the mathematics as "the science that describes the important conclusions." On the other hand, Albert Einstein stated that "as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. "
Through the use of abstraction and logical reasoning, mathematics evolved from counting, calculation, measurement, and systematic assessment of the wake and the movement of physical objects. Practical mathematics has been a human activity for a written record. Rigorous arguments first appeared in Greek mathematics, most notably in the works of Euclid, Elements. Math is always evolving, for example in China in 300 BC, in India in the year 100 AD, and in Arabic in 800 AD, until the Renaissance, when new findings mathematics interact with new scientific discoveries led to a rapid increase in the pace of discovery mathematics that continues today.

Today, mathematics is used throughout the world as an essential tool in many fields, including natural science, engineering, medicine / medical, and social sciences such as economics, and psychology. Applied mathematics, the branch of mathematics that covers the application of mathematical knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes use of new mathematical findings, and sometimes leads to the development of disciplines are entirely new, such as statistics and game theory. The mathematicians also wrestle in pure mathematics, or mathematics for the development of mathematics itself, without having any application in mind, although practical applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered.
Furthermore, we see the notion of mathematical version of the experts: Johnson and Rising (1972 saying that mathematics is a pattern of thinking, organizing patterns, evidentiary logic, mathematics is a language that uses terms defined carefully, clearly, and accurately, with symbols and solid representation , more of a symbolic language about ideas than about sound.
Then Kline (1973) says that mathematics is not a perfect knowledge can be alone for himself, but the presence of mathematics especially to help people in understanding and addressing social problems, economic and natural. Math grow and evolve as the process of thinking, therefore, the logic is the basis for the formation of mathematics.
Reys, et al (1984) say that mathematics is the study of patterns and relationships, a path or pattern of thinking, an art, a language, and a tool.
James and James (1976) said that mathematics is the science of logic regarding the shape, composition, scale, and concepts related to each other in large numbers are divided into three areas, namely algebra, analysis and geometry.
Conclusions About Understanding Math
Of various opinions about the meaning or definition of mathematics above, then it can be simply be concluded, that my study of Mathematics is a science of computation, assessment and using reason or ability to think logically and clear mind. The mathematical study of things that exist, will not be able to examine the mathematics of things that never existed. But keep in mind that mathematics can "predict" that will happen, but the math does not use "magic", but the math using the experience never happened then formulate it into a "formula" and finally mathematics can or can predict something that will happen with consideration logic of human beings, instead of predicting the mystical way that does not fit in the logic of human thinking. So mathematics is the science of logic that can count, analyze and even predict.

4.     Socio Cultural Science
a.     History
Etymologically, the word is derived from the Arabic history syajarah (syajaratun) means a tree. In Indonesian history can mean pedigree, origin, history, and if the scheme is made to resemble a tree with branches, twigs, and leaves Stored within the meaning of the word history or genealogy growth.
At the present time, for the benefit of certain biographical information we need. The word roughly means history report or a story about the incident While the word saga (which is close to the word history), meaning that the story of the life, that is what makes human beings as its object, also called biographies (bios = life, Graven = writing). Thus, the range of the life story written by the authors themselves or the culprit himself called autobiography.

b.    Anthropology
Anthropology is the study of humans and their ways of life. Anthropology has two main branches, namely physical anthropology that studies human evolution and adaptation to different environments, and cultural anthropology that examines both cultures extant or extinct cultures. In general anthropology cultural anthropology include language that examines the forms of language, which examines the archaeological cultures that are still extinct, ethnology which examines extant culture or cultures that are still alive can be observed directly.
Anthropology is a branch of social science that studies the culture of a particular ethnic community. Born or emerging interest originated from the Europeans who see physical traits, customs, cultures different from what is known in Europe. Anthropology is more focused on a population of single people, a single in the sense of the unity of the people living in the same area, much like sociology anthropology to sociology but is more focused on community and social life.
Anthropology is a science of understanding the nature - all kinds of human nature more. Anthropology that formerly required by the missionaries for the spread of Christianity, and it goes along with the occupation of the State system - Countries outside of Europe, today is necessary for wider benefit of humanity. Anthropological studies in addition to the benefit of the development of science itself, in the State - the State which has built very necessary for making - policy-making in the context of development and community development.
As a discipline that is very broad in scope, then no one is able to examine anthropologists and anthropology master perfectly. So then anthropology broken - broken into pieces and each anthropologists - one specializing in specialization according to the interests and abilities to explore in depth study on the - certain parts of anthropology. Thus, specialization into many anthropological studies, in accordance with the development experts - anthropologists in directing his studies to better understanding the nature - nature and human livelihood more.

5.     Economic
Economy comes from the Greek oikos meaning household or family, while nomos means laws, rules, or regulations. In general economy diartikel as household management or household rules. Economics is a social science that studies human activities associated with the consumption, distribution, and production of goods and services.
The development economics began in the 18th century who thought initiated by the so-called classical flow. The flow was pioneered by John Adam Smith, a Scottish philosopher famous nationality through his book entitled On Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. And up to now although it is difficult to conclude economic, economy still used to understand, analyze and predict real-world phenomena such as inflation, trade. international and exchange rates.
Definition of economic
Economics is one social science that studies human activities associated with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics is defined as "household rules" or "household management." While the economy is an expert or economist is a person using economic concepts and data in the work.

Understanding Economics In The Experts
Paul A. Samuelson: Economy is in ways that made ​​by man and his group to utilize limited resources to obtain various commodities and distribute them for consumption by the public
Mill J. S: Economic science is practical about spending and billing .
Abraham Maslow: The economy is one of the areas of study that tried to solve the problem of the principle purposes of human life through the trainer all the economic resources available to the principles and the principles of a particular theory in an economic system that is considered to be effective and efficient .

Adam Smith: Economics is the investigation of the circumstances and because the presence of the country's wealth.

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