Rabu, 06 April 2011

Paris is the Most Romantic City in the World, Even for Singles

by Adrian Leeds, Parler Paris
My Special City
Yes, you read right: SINGLE in the city (of light). No, not SEX in the city. Although they are not mutually exclusive.

The FACT is that Paris is the most ROMANTIC city in the world, but being single, on your own, or "alone" is actually one of the most exciting ways to be here.

Let's face it, Paris is SAFE for women. Aside from the regular pickpocketings we are all prone to, women can travel alone safely just about anywhere anytime. I don't know a single woman here who carries mace in her purse, or who have even thought of it!

Believe it or not, it is POLITICALLY CORRECT to be FEMININE and even SEXY. Isn't it wonderful? We can be our feminine selves without worrying about how our married friends might feel threatened or whether our male colleagues will make unwarranted advances. In fact, we hope they do make advances, because we aren't going to consider them harassing, only flattering!

Being alone at a restaurant or a café is not embarrassing or self consious-raising, but is in fact, a great way of meeting men (or other women) and you are never made to feel that it is unusual to be alone.

Flirtation is fun in Paris. Actually, flirtation is necessary in Paris, and the art of it is exhilarating. You can get almost anything you want if you flirt well...with anyone and everyone, of every sex. I highly recommend it with every waiter, if you want good service. And I highly recommend it if you want to return something you purchased, or get your carte de séjour renewed without a hassle. But remember, flirtation in France is our equivalence of "charm" -- it does not mean you're seeking to jump into bed with everyone you flirt with.

Relationships between men and women are so cohesive. Rarely at a party will you see women talking with women about hair and men talking with men about cars. They are so much more comfortable with each other and can co-mingle their ideas without being defensive and creating a war between the sexes.

Then, there is the notion of infidelity. Let me point out that "cheating" is an English word and an Anglo-Saxon idea.

"Cheating is as French as Brie, and the French consider themselves sophisticated when it comes to dealing with physical configurations. Moreover, the French do not view infidelity the same way we do in the United States. Of course, many French do not support the 'infidelity' philosophy, but, in France, the concept of cheating on one's spouse does not necessarily mean that you must give up your family life. In other words, having a lover, and having a spouse is not a trade off." -- Christiann Anderson

No, in France you don't have to TRADE one for another. You can have them both and you can have it all. This is the land of 400 cheeses, remember? Can you not love eating both Camembert and Brie without discrediting or offending one or the other?

For single women in Paris, this can be a major benefit, because there simply aren't as many single men as there are single women, and that means that the playing field opens up WITHOUT THE GUILT (at least for sexual encounters if not for romantic ones). (Did you know that French women have more frequent sex and continue to have it later in life than American women?)

You understand, I am certainly NOT suggesting that you take up adultery -- but just clarifying the benefits of another point of view that works well within this society and culture.

Writing about this subject may be stealing a bit of thunder from Christiann Anderson, who has just put the finishing touches on one of our soon-to-be-released Insider Paris Guides: THE SINGLE WOMAN'S INSIDER'S GUIDE TO PARIS. It is an in depth look at life of the single woman in Paris -- and how to make that life even richer. It's enlightening, fun and immensely valuable.

And as a single woman in Paris, I am quite content with my single life...even if it is Valentine's Day.

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