Selasa, 05 Maret 2013


Nama            :      Gelvin Mokoagow
NIM             :      12 313 695
Kelas/Jur      :      J/ Pend. Bahasa Inggris
Dosen           :      Alan Mongan, S.Pd

v Situation 1

X and Y are friends. But X had a big party last weekend and didn’t invite Y, even though Y always invites X to Y’s parties. Y sees that X is just getting home from work and goes over  to talk.

Y :      Hello X, how are you today?
X :     Hi! I’m fine thank you!
Y :      How about your party last weekend?
X :     Oh, very crowded. Uhm, but I’m so sorry, because I do not invite you.
Y :      Oh, it’s okay! ( with expression faces not good enough )
X :     I’m so sorry, because I’m so busy. That’s why, I forgot to invite you.
Y :      Oh, one time, don’t ever  invite me again!
X :     I’m sorry…
Y :      Okay, I accept what you said.
X :     How if tonight I’m invite you to dinner? Will you?
Y :      Okay, I will!
X :     Thank you!
Y :      Okay, I will go home now.
X :     Yes, me too.
Y :      See you tonight. Bye!
X :     Bye!